Turndown Service

Turndown Service

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.”LUKE 16:10 NLT 

The other day, I woke up feeling really worn out. I hadn’t exercised in a few 
days, work was piling up, my attention was naturally being drawn to the news, 
to my kids’ school, and to my messy house. I started a workout and gave a halfway 
effort while I thought – maybe I need more protein, maybe I should clean my house, 
maybe I should take a day off . . . or maybe life was just tiring? 

And then, I looked upstairs and started thinking about my kids. If I can’t pinpoint 
the source of feeling worn out, how can they express how they’re feeling? So 
I walked upstairs and I cleaned their rooms. Yep. I did the whole thing for each 
one of them. I turned down their beds. I turned on the dim “little lights” next 
to their beds. I put their favorite stuffed animals on their pillows. 

If we feel overwhelmed sometimes, our children must definitely be feeling overwhelmed, only
with fewer words and less understanding. If we can do anything at all to soften the difficulties
of daily life, let us do it. What a beautiful way to spread love – to create delight -to love and
serve unconditionally, just as God loves us. Whatever the day held for them, my little ones
crawled into fresh sheets, their favorite stuffed animals nearby, in clean rooms, lit just right. It
was a little thing, but I could tell it meant a lot.

What is a small, tangible way can you create delight or comfort for your 
family today? Is there something you could do for yourself today to 
bring an ounce more joy into the day-to-day? 

Taken from Sure as the Sunrise by Emily Ley.  Copyright © 2022 by Emily Ley. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. www.thomasnelson.com.  

Emily Ley is the founder of Simplified, a brand of planners and organizational tools for busy women. Emily has been featured in Forbes, Family Circle, Better Homes and Gardens, Glamour and Good Housekeeping. She has been recognized with numerous awards, including Best New Product at the National Stationery Show, Small Business of the Year, Female Owned Business of the Year, and Entrepreneur of the Year by Studer Community Institute. Emily and her team collaborated with AT-A-GLANCE to create gift and planning collections carried in Office Depot, Staples, Walmart, and Target. Emily is the author of national bestselling books Grace, Not Perfection, When Less Becomes More, and Sure as the Sunrise. Now, as an author, entrepreneur, wife and mother to three, Emily lives in Pensacola, Florida, with her husband, Bryan, their son Brady, and twins, Tyler and Caroline. 

 You can connect with Emily Ley through her website https://www.emilyley.com/ and on her Instagram https://www.instagram.com/simplified/  and https://www.instagram.com/emilyley/ .

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Picture of Emily Ley

Emily Ley


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