Tips for Bringing Baby #2 Home

The transition from being responsible for ourselves to having the honorable duty to care for a little human is overwhelming. NO, it’s earth-shattering in an amazing and terrifying way. Now, let’s insert child #2. Why in the world did I think one child was hard? Two humans?! This is nuts. Here are some helpful tips and reminders to help you prepare for #2:

Be available for first introduction. Don’t hold the new baby when child #1 is entering the hospital room for the first time to meet her new sibling. Have grandma (or a nurse) hold the baby, so your arms are free and ready to give your firstborn a BIG hug. Check out this great resource for things to do before baby #2 arrives.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Adding a second child to the mix is a huge transition. Be OK with the fact that the house is going to be messy, your older child’s routine is going to be off, and you’re going to feel anything but human for a while. The best thing you can do is be patient and understand that it’s normal and part of the journey. Here are some fun survival items that can help.

Ask for help. Nope, you’re not a hero if you don’t ask for help or don’t take it. You know the phrase, “It takes a village.” Soak it in and accept its truth. If you don’t have the means to hire help or have family around, lean on your MOPS sisters. That’s what mom community is all about.

Give your older child a job. It’s critical to let him feel like he is a part of this exciting new transition. Help him feel important by giving him an age-appropriate job. You’d be surprised at how proud he’d be for throwing away a diaper!

Take breaks. Being a mother of two is absolutely doable. Remember to give yourself grace. You are going to be exhausted because you just had a baby! But, you can take charge over the things you can control. Make sure you are eating and drinking lots of water. Rest when you can. Use the TV when you need to and DON’T feel guilty about it. It’s just a season, it’s not forever.

Sweet Mama, if you remember anything, remember YOU are a good mom!

Oh, and remember, we have to be able to laugh at this parenting gig sometimes! Check out this video


Top picks: the February edition.


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Homemade valentines to make for classmates.

Home for the holiday? Here are 40 night-in date ideas.

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