Truly You: The Work of Being Your True Self
Secure attachment is the holy grail of child development and most moms are preprogrammed to pour themselves out so their kids can attain it.
Secure attachment is the holy grail of child development and most moms are preprogrammed to pour themselves out so their kids can attain it.
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. —Genesis 3:21 NIV It’s easy to feel loved when
Most of the time I can fake my way through life, convincing strangers that I am a fully functioning adult. That is, until a
Vulnerability: one of life’s most radical opportunities for immense failure or intense joy. Relationships allow us a choice: to enter in with all that we
“What are these?” my two year old said. ”They’re elbows,” I told him. ”Oh.” He touched them gently. “I love your elbows.” Atlas Girl
“Can I cry?” The deluge of tears and snot began, of course, before this terse sentence had even left my lips. I was mired
I was sitting at my MOPS table when another mom called me out. Though I didn’t like it, I knew she was right. I
She had her hands to her face, and she kept repeating to the lifeguard, “That’s my baby. That’s my baby.” My best friend’s toddler
This originally appeared in A Fierce Flourishing Guidebook, which is a compilation workbook of amazing women sharing all sorts of important things you need
Sharing hopes and dreams is a vulnerable pursuit. (We know.) It can be hard to tell if it’s a safe environment to share our
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