Spring Clean Your Life

Spring Clean Your Life

It’s April and a renewed sense of vigor and life seems to roll in with the warm spring air. Maybe it’s just the satisfaction of watching our children run giddy through the soggy playground, but April is always welcomed with smiles as big as spring puddles. It’s a chance to throw open the windows and get after the dust bunnies – both physically and mentally.

While deep cleaning is an important rite of spring for many, it can be challenging to check off the to-do list and maintain the family schedule. As Phyllis Diller once said, “Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.”

That’s why we created a free 21-day email program that breaks down your spring cleaning list into doable, daily tasks. : Reorganize, Reprioritize and Reconnect by brightpeak financial is a free 21-day email program created to help you tackle the post-winter cleanout – in all areas of life. Focusing on daily tips and weekly checklists, the program is designed to help you reorganize and refresh your home, reprioritize and revitalize your finances and reconnect to a healthier you.

Here are a few tips from the program to help you get started:

Tip 1: There’s nothing fresher than the smell of springtime, but sometimes an open window just doesn’t cut it. To make a simple and non-toxic room freshener, combine 1 oz rubbing alchohol, 6 oz filtered water and 20-40 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle. Use it in the bathroom, on carpets and even in shoes.

Tip 2: No one can feel refreshed when bogged down by financial worry. Make time to sit down with your partner to revisit your budget and financial goals. We know this can be a stressful conversation, so if you need help maintaining the peace, here’s a helpful guide.

Tip 3: Many moms are ailed by fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain and sleep problems. Fewer moms realize that diet can play a contributing factor to these ailments. Start a food journal to track everything you eat for at least a week. Myfitnesspal.com makes tracking easy with their new mobile app. Look for signs of inflammation after eating certain foods and remember that almost all of us need less sugar and more vegetables.

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Brightpeak Financial


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