How do I Stop Being an Anxious Mom? 

How do I Stop Being an Anxious Mom? 

I wasn’t always an anxious mom.  

Others would often admire my calm composure and my ability to be at peace, even in the chaos of motherhood.  

However, the reality of living in these uncertain times shifted my demeanor.  

I had somehow lost my way of living in God’s peace.  

Everything we once knew had changed. School was different, with new guidelines and practices in place. Our home life shifted to being less open to engaging in activities we once enjoyed with friends and family.  

I knew my husband and children relied on me to maintain an atmosphere of tranquility for our family. However, inside I felt crippled with anxiety from all the newness.  

I was fragile and insecure. The world felt like it was crumbling around me; I didn’t know what to do.  

I didn’t know how to handle these feelings. Further, I couldn’t help worrying about my children.  

I was concerned about the little things that never crossed my mind before.  

Are they getting enough socialization? Are they on their screens too much? Are they missing out when I didn’t enroll them in the extracurricular activities they once loved? 

Consequently, some nights I couldn’t sleep because of these unanswered questions.  

I wanted the best for them. I loved them with every fiber inside of me.  

In the same vein, I wanted to be the mom who fully relinquished them to Jesus. I knew He had the best for them, no matter what, and had goodness in store even in hard times.  

I sat in my small pantry one day, disheartened, trying to find a moment of solitude. Moreover, my mind was overwhelmed with worries as I was trying to get through the day. As a result, I mumbled a quick, desperate prayer. 

My tears flowed rapidly as I realized that His peace was always available to me; it had never left.  

It was a choice – one that I could make at any time of the day. I needed only to receive it. 

Not worrying about the world  

Although the world around us can cause us great strife and worry, we can stand strong in Jesus.  

Jesus, when He chose to come down to earth, took upon Himself the sins of the world.  

He bore it all so that you can be free from burden. He made the ultimate sacrifice for you so that you can live in peace, free from the world’s pains.  

When we remember what His sacrifice means for us, it changes our hearts to focus on the peace – not the worries. 

John 14:27 (NIV) reminds us of the peace Jesus has given us, despite the chaos around us. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  

His presence guarantees peace. In short, it allows you to know that you have a God that will never leave your side.  

He doesn’t want you to worry about anything. Focus on the great peace you have through Him.  

When you feel overwhelmed by this world, you need to remember the mighty sacrifice Jesus made for you. Therefore, don’t become desensitized to it but become refreshed by it each day. 

Parenting in the Spirit 

It’s not easy as a parent to live in peace all the time. But, knowing that you are not alone in this battle is crucial.  

Jesus lives within you and has given you the power of His Holy Spirit to be a guide and help.  

It’s important to focus on the power of the Holy Spirit within you. As a result, you know you’re more than capable of living in peace despite our uncertain world. 

The Spirit’s power helps you reflect Jesus and walk faithfully for Him.  

The Holy Spirit is a constant helper to always guide you. He provides wisdom, assistance, and counsel for victory when worry comes in.  

You can read this in John 14:16-17 (NIV). “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth…”  

He is a gift to help us when we are in a state of worry. He can help us instantly live in the peace Jesus died to give us. 

You can call out any time for the help of the Spirit.  

This truth will allow you to know every day that you can live for Jesus with great peace.  

It gives you confidence and weeds out self-doubt and uncertainty.  

Furthermore, your children will see how you are walking in peace and will want to live in His power too.  

Above all, know that you are not alone and that you don’t have to strive. Rest in the power of the Spirit; this can change it all for you.  

You don’t have to be an anxious mom; you can live in steadfast peace despite the present times. Jesus can allow you to do this. He is always the answer. 

Nikki Evanson is a wife, mother of two beautiful children, and—first and foremost—a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. You can read her blog about helping women to devote their hearts to Christ at or connect with her on Facebook and Instagram. 

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Picture of Nikki Evanson

Nikki Evanson


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