Calls for Submissions: August Theme – Passion

Calls for Submissions: August Theme – Passion

Submissions Deadline: Friday, August 10

This month is all about passion. Doing more things that make you forget to check your phone.

Thinking about what could go right. We will renew our minds and choose to trust that God is good. Hope will be on the tip of our tongues. Passion will flow from our hearts and we will pray big prayers. It takes tending to keep the fire alive, so we will fan our flame by choosing to do more things that make us forget to check our phones. We will choose to play with our kids instead of crossing one more thing off our to-do list. We will be women whose passion and patience inspire the people we love most.

Topics to Consider:

  • 4 ways our family cultivates a spirit of curiosity in our children.
  • There’s a spiritual practice of asking questions. What questions are you asking right now?
  • Share how you found your passion and purpose right where you are (or were).
  • As a homeschooling mom, list 4 ways you instill passion into your curriculum and into your children during the daily grind. (Think in the spirit of Charlotte Mason: “Children are born with all the curiosity they will ever need. It will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a daily diet of ideas.”)
  • What you care about is reflected on your bank statement. Share how this either supports your passions or how it doesn’t.
  • The opposite of passion is not boredom – it’s busyness. What is one thing stopping you from living out your passionate calling right now?
  • Advocacy or passion project. Break it down to a personal story that illustrates how you’ve advocated for someone or something (big or small, it ALL matters).
  • List 4 activities you like to do (or places you like to go) with your kids that make ALL of you forget to check your phones.
  • Three simple steps to help you get started doing something that you care about.
  • Lessons learned from a failed attempt and how you got back up again.
  • Living out your simple daily passions and how they spur you on.
  • You were one person with a passion, but your passion became contagious and now it’s “we.” Look at what we’re doing.
  • List 3 ways you found your passion or 3 things you do to keep it alive.

Remember, we accept the following submissions: written (word count 600-900, Word doc), video (less than 30 seconds), artwork.

Tips for sharing video:

  • Portrait Mode – Keep your phones vertical (the way you would normally use them).
  • Audio – if you want us to hear you, don’t film outdoors or within big crowds
  • Shake free – try to prop your phone on the counter or use something to hold it up
  • Cautious of windows – Windows are great for lighting your face, but try not to have many in your background as they will blow out and just be a bright white square on your video.
  • Headspace – When you are positioning yourself in the video, make sure your head is above the middle of your phone.  We don’t want the entire top half of your screen to be of the wall or ceiling.

How to Submit:

Send us your submission at

Submission Information

For more information about the tone of our materials and our submission process read our writer’s guidelines (Insider hint: We take these very seriously, so it’s important you take a peek before submitting.)

Submission Process

Just so you know, all submissions are received on speculation. Regretfully, we are unable to respond to submissions when they are received. However, if your submission is selected for publishing, we will email you in advance with the date we will be publishing for your records.

And Since You Always Ask

The MOPS Blog does post previously published or posted material. Just make sure it meets our editorial needs first. Because, again, we take those pretty seriously.

What About General Content

Yes, we certainly accept MOPS stories, general articles, videos, artwork about parenting, mothering and woman-related issues. In fact, we’re always up for a good tear-jerker or one of those stories that gets us laughing. We welcome those submissions through the same submissions process, but we should tell you up front that since we’re a theme-based blog, we only publish a few.

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