Just a mom torn between angst from a rough night’s sleep and wonder at the face of the beautiful bed hog who caused it.
It’s never fully one or the other, right? Each precious moment is prickled with some hard. Each season is sometimes amazing and also sometimes terrible. Each day is overstimulating and underutilized. Each decision is both good and bad, and it just doesn’t ever feel like we’re doing it 100% right.
But maybe that’s the point, to be comfortable in the tight spaces.
To find contentment in the chaos and the calm alike. To be present on purpose, in pain and peace. To find the balance of working through your emotions and limitations and stress and angst, then still choosing to find the good and the joy in it.
Because motherhood has taught me that there is room for both the glorious and groggy… marvelous and mundane… beautiful and boring… often all before 7 a.m. It’s all or nothing.
And if I won’t ever get one without the other, I choose it all -the full experience, bittersweet as it is, with everything this season has to offer me.
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