Beauty in Simplicity

Beauty in Simplicity

Another Monday arrives, I feel the weight of yet another week coming: how will I keep the children entertained this week, will my activities measure up and am I doing enough as a mom? Will I be seen in the right ways this week, am I obeying the call of motherhood as I so desperately long to? I can feel the oppression weighing heavy on my chest. I just don’t believe I am good enough; I don’t think I am doing this mothering thing right.



But then as I sink to my knees, pray to the Lord to give me strength; to breathe life into these dry bones within my weakened frame, it happens: he reminds me of all the little things; the seemingly mundane that he calls treasured, and considers beautiful and worthy and to be honored. The four loads of laundry done yesterday so that the children have clothes to wear, and the meals provided three times a day, seven days a week so that my children are fed and nourished. The countless hours spent reading and doing floor play throughout the week so they feel as though they matter and have value and attention in my eyes. I can feel a new confidence building, not one of perfection, but rather one of gratefulness for the decisions I have made to be present with my children within the day.

But then he digs deeper; bringing me to my core, to the root of who I am; bringing weight to the little things each day. The way Shiloh’s hair sweeps across her face, the way Thomas clinches his nose when he cries; the look of adoration and love from each of my precious children. The look that they know they are loved and treasured and adored, which reminds me once more that I too am treasured and loved and adored.

I ponder my son’s small feet that one day will grow to be larger than mine. The tenderness of my daughter’s hugs; the beauty of their joy day in and day out. Their creativity and curiosity of a stick outside or the birds flying in the air, the squirrels roaming the ground. And then I am reminded of the beauty of simplicity. I don’t have to have a perfectly planned out week with daily activities and a perfect meal plan for my children; they simply need me – my love, care, affection and attention. And almost always simple is best.



For it is within the unplanned, simple days that we have time to sit and soak in the beauty of everything around us. It is in the beauty of the mundane that our eyes are opened to the beauty that sits within the ordinary, all around us each and every day. We do not need to be good enough. We need to simply rest in the goodness of who Jesus is and give more weight to the little things happening all around us. The leaf gently blowing into the wind, the soft rain falling on the grass, the bird softly chirping in the tree; my daughter running through the fields in freedom and my son smiling with joy. This is where freedom is and where my soul feels alive. I will rest here in the beauty of simplicity, for there is truly power here. Power of love, joy and peace. Yes, I choose to rest here in the beauty of simplicity.




Laura is a photographer who loves to breathe new life into moments and see beauty in the mundane. She is mom to two beautiful children: Shiloh (2) and Thomas (1). They currently live in Wheatfield, Indiana with her husband, Josh.

Picture of Laura Duggleby

Laura Duggleby


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