Be Open to Receive
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In August 2009, following meticulous planning for what I thought would be my fourth and final pregnancy, I was surprised to learn that I was expecting triplets. This revelation meant I would be doubling the number of children that called me mom, as I already had three little ones aged 5, 3 and 13 months.
Throughout my pregnancy, people would ask how they could help, and I would habitually brush off offers with a polite, “I’m fine.”
Then, one day, a package of diapers appeared on my doorstep without a note. It was a small gesture, but it touched me. Soon, it became a pattern – a car seat, clothes, more diapers, and an array of baby essentials, all left anonymously at my door. When I questioned my MomCo sisters about it, they simply smiled and denied any knowledge.
Eventually, news arrived that painters were scheduled to beautify my nursery. Overwhelmed by this unexpected generosity, I felt compelled to express my gratitude. However, a friend’s wise words reminded me that these acts were borne out of pure kindness, with no desire for recognition. It dawned on me that while I kept declining help, I actually needed it.
My MomCo sisters, realizing this, joined forces and began discreetly leaving items at my doorstep, relieving me of the burden of asking for aid. Reflecting on this, I questioned my discomfort with accepting help. Why did I feel the need to maintain control over an unforeseen situation? Not only did I need help, but people wanted to help.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7: 7-8 NIV
God ensures you never face challenges alone by placing who or what you need in your path. This is precisely how God was working for me when he led my MomCo sisters to leave baby items on my doorstep.
Being open to receive is not a sign of weakness; instead, it presents an opportunity for divine intervention in your life. God understands your needs, and by opening yourself to receive, you allow his blessings to flow. Trust that God is ever-present, prepared to lead you through every facet of your life. You need not bear any burden alone!
- Where can you create space in your life to welcome support from others? Is it in accepting assistance, or perhaps it involves pursuing a long-awaited life change?
- Have you experienced a period when you were closed off to receiving? How did this impact your overall well-being?
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