A Fierce Flourishing

Can you remember that moment when you knew you had a special spark? A life-giving force that made you uniquely you?

Unfortunately, along the way we sometimes forget about our spark. When that happens it feels like the world has become bland, like it lost its color and the vibrancy of our lives has been dulled. For me it shows up when I realize I have let worry about what isn’t happening in my life, ruin what is happening. Or when I realize my sole focus has become avoiding anything difficult, instead of choosing to run toward the good that is right in front of me.

It is in moments like these I need a reminder of who I am. A reminder that I have been created to flourish and not just survive.

If you are anything like me, you are craving more of the goodness of life.

That is why we have designed our theme this year as A Fierce Flourishing.

Because what would it look like if we took one year choosing to flourish?

One year choosing to live our one wild and beautiful life with as much celebration as we can muster. One year embracing healthy rhythms of play and rest, one year of noticing the goodness that is right in front of us?

One year of inviting color and beauty to breathe life back into our souls.

If we are being honest, sometimes deciding to flourish scares us, because flourishing is wild and organic. It is unpredictable and hard to define and far from tame. It is a dance with holy goodness. And that is both terrifying and thrilling.

We believe terrifying and thrilling sums up all of the most life giving experiences.

The truth is that some women are content with playing it safe. But, not us.

See, here at MOPS we are a tribe of women who feel deeply and hope wildly. And this year everything is coming into bloom.

There are lots of ways to join us as we choose to Flourish this upcoming MOPS year.

Hello, Dearest blog

We’ll be here, sharing stories of Fierce Flourishing. Encouraging each other. Reminding one another to recognize the little voice within our soul beckoning us celebrate lavishly, embrace rest and notice goodness. There will be videos, interviews and real-life accounts of what it looks like to flourish.

MOPS Membership

When you become a MOPS member you join the tribe of women raising the world together. This year’s membership invites you join us as we immerse ourselves into a season of Fierce Flourishing. The welcome kit includes a bracelet that reminds you to choose to flourish, plus lots of other great benefits in the welcome kit and throughout the year.

Join a MOPS Group

Journey into a year of flourishingsitting across the table from moms who are venturing into A Fierce Flourishing themselves. Seriously. Do it. We dare you.

What way(s) do you want to flourish in the coming year?
Picture of Hello Dearest

Hello Dearest


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